Hi. I’m Ellen.
Neuroscience, wisdom, and proven business acumen. All here for you.
Early Apple. Product and online innovation. Entrepreneurship. Work-life realities, successes and setbacks, and so much more: a lifetime of learning has brought me here. And now my passion is sharing what I’ve learned with others who are walking their paths.
I’ve struggled. Stumbled. Soared. And through it all have made the journey the reward. In my coaching, keynote speaking, and workshops I offer what I’ve learned, in service to making the path more navigable and satisfying for others.
Begin with the brain.
“An ancient technology we use to navigate the modern world.”
That’s the opening to many of my talks. Why? Well, I think we live in a time where we let our brains make us their tool rather than reminding us that they, actually, are our tools.
Flipping that on its head is the foundation of all I do. My TEDx talk shares how I thought about the brain years ago. My bestselling book “The Happiness Hack” offers more.
Yet change comes fast. These days I share my latest insights on my podcast, The Brain and Beyond, and in other ways I’ll soon share here.
A 2016 talk on the brain, happiness, and how tech use – even then – is changing us. Take a look to see all that has shifted, even since then.
Up & Coming
Season One of my podcast, The Brain and Beyond, has wrapped, and Season Two is in the works. Want to dive in? Start with Episode 2, exploring the power of the prefrontal cortex, AKA “PFC.”
Get the scoop on new episodes by clicking here and subscribing on your favorite platform.

Gratitude? It’s a game changer – in your life and in your brain. Read more here.